Get Out and Hike!

Today is your day Boomer!  This is how I will start every blog on this site.  It means get out and do something today and make the most of our lives!  Let's face it Boomers, we only have 20-30 years left on this let's live it up!  In winter, this often means colder, gloomy weather.  But it depends on your attitude.  Often it is sunnier up higher, so go up, go up into the mountains.  This is Mt. Conkle near Summerland where I live on a beautiful, sunny winter day.  What a day, what a picture as I looked down at the school where I used to teach for 27 years.  It was 3:00pm on a Monday and that is normally "staff meeting" time.  My hiking partner--another retired teacher--and I both reflected on this and we felt very good.  Boomer retirement is awesome;  you just have to "do it" and do it with gusto!  My teacher friends and I have started a new club; it is called STROKE, which means Summerland Teachers (Retired) Outdoor Enthusiasts Klub.  I know it sounds kind of lame, but it gets us doing things.....things like this!  Cheers. 


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