Today is your day Boomer! What does Readers Digest say? "Laughter is the best medicine".....or something like that. Well, I totally agree. In this time of COVID doom and gloom, we-as Boomers-need to seek out comedy, need to chuckle, need to laugh! It could be tuning in to Jimmy Kimmel, watching an old sit-com like "Friends", or accessing humour on the internet: a meme, joke, riddle, pun, or limerick. Have a close look at the attached picture, and you can see that I especially like puns, or play on words. I'll give you a few examples: (1) Ever wondered why you only get one when you buy a pear in a grocery store? (2) Is it hard to find Christmas tree sales on line? That's because you didn't log on. (3) Why do politicians find it hard to move to Ottawa after they're elected? Because it's just like capital punishment. If you are chuckling, shaking your head, or even just grunting......I know I got your attention. So live a little and laugh a little. Cheers!


  1. That's definitely the Dave (Mr.) Stathers I remember. Never can resist the turn of a phrase. Here's one for you:
    This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’m sure I'd never met herbivore.


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