Today is your day Boomer! Winter is a great time for pruning. Boomers if you still have that single-family home, you probably have some trees and bushes to cut and trim before spring. For me, I have six old cherries trees, one apple, and one pear to prune. You can pay a professional pruner megabucks to get the job done, or you DIY with a little help from your friends and YouTube. There is some great pruning advice online, but I found the best advice from my brother(an orchardist) and my friend....seen with a chainsaw in this picture. On the weekend, we cut down one of those old cherry trees and struck a deal. As an experienced woodcutter, he would tote the chainsaw and I would pickup the wood and cleanup. He also gets the wood delivered to his woodpile which, when dry, will be perfect for his woodstove next winter. We also kept a few of the bigger cherry pieces which he may be able to use for fancy furniture one day. It was a great bargain for one and all; we practised physical distancing, got some fresh air on a cool day, and had a beverage afterwards. I also bought him a case of cold ones as a thankyou. Not much of a chore working together and what a great Boomer day!


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