Today is your day Boomer! I figured after yesterday's tragic events in the U.S. capital, you would need something to cheer you up. Have a nice dark chocolate and maybe a glass of red wine today(both good for the heart apparently!)and reflect on why we live in Canada and not down "there". Sure, Canada is not perfect......but, the capital attack makes me think more and more about not crossing the border anymore. I know Boomers have many winter properties in places like Arizona and California, but wow....this is another big slap in the face for America's reputation! Okay, don't overreact you may say. Things will get better under Biden, but....let's all take a deep breath and think about our future travels. The U.S. had its worst day for COVID deaths yesterday and perhaps its worst day for democracy. Canada.....I'm glad I'm here this winter. Have a chocolate and cheers!


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