Today is your day Boomer! I received a rude awakening today; it's called an alarm clock. I had to wake up early to do a radio interview for my part-time job and, I tell you, it was tough! In my semi-retirement for the last two years, this was a first.....and I didn't like it. It made me think of those 40 years of work I put in and why I retired. My point is are you, perhaps like me, starting to take your retirement for granted? Do you cherish all these days when we can sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, indulge in two cups of coffee, read the news, and watch the sun come up? I usually add a hot tub to my list in the morning, just because I can......In fact, it was a double wakeup call for me today: an alarm and a renewed realization that retirement is just fannnnnnnntastic! And let's appreciate it. Cheers!


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