Today is your day Boomer! Is it noisy where you live? I live in a rural area in the Okanagan Valley and am surrounded by sounds of animals and birds: natural sounds like quail, pheasant, coyotes, and frogs and farm noises like cows, sheep, horses, chickens, turkeys, and dogs. I thought it might be too much.....especially when we had a dog kennel locate about a block away from us. But, recently, the kennel closed and the noises have now just blended in as a natural part of my life. Even the roosters crowing away at 4:00am don't bother me anymore. But what does bug me is the sound of emergency vehicles, honking, tires squeeling and the general noise of people going about their business. That's why I could never live in a city again and I am reminded of this every time I go to a conference in the Vancouver area. Boomers, I know many of you are moving away from the city for a slower-paced retirement life. You can still expect noise.....just good noise. Cheers!


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