Today is your day Boomer! What a great example of what Boomers can do if they put their smarts, determination, and money together. In the North Okanagan city of Vernon, Boomers want to play pickleball.....lots of pickleball year round. The city had land they could use plus $300,000 for 12 pickleball courts in a covered stadium. They had to raise the other 1.2 million dollars themselves.....through small fundraisers, but most of the cash came directly from the wallets of the players themselves. And they did it! Look at the picture and realize that their new indoor bubble could be ready for play by next month; I'm sure the 500 members are estatic. But it helps us realize that we don't have to rely entirely on government to build our new recreation facilities. Many Boomers have their mortgages paid off and some extra money for these types of things. All it takes is courage and coordination! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America and this Vernon complex will be the biggest in Canada! Way to go Boomers.....cheers!


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