Today is your day Boomer! This is Murray; he is a B.C. Boomer and he has a great lesson for all of us! Instead of an-person medical appointment with his doctor, he requested a phone appointment. What happened? He picked a lake with good cell phone coverage and went ice fishing, and during his doctor's call, he caught this huge fish!! I'll say it again.....while talking to his doctor, he hooked this massive trout and the doctor actually helped in the catching process. The doctor is a fisherman too!, what is the lesson? As Boomers, many of us have medical appointments and we likely stay home all day waiting them. Not Murray. Living life to the fullest, he remained the great outdoors and was rewarded with the biggest fish of his life! So, let's get out there too and, despite health roadblocks, we can have great experiences! Way to go Murray. Cheers!


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