Today is your day Boomer! We, Boomers, get blamed for alot of things. Overpopulation, global warming, liberalization of society...just name a few. We even get blamed for Donald Trump....who barely qualifies as a Baby Boomer at age 74. Then there is this. A now blaming us for what it calls "poor food habits". Their list is long and includes things like ketchup, tv dinners, meatloaf, cornflakes, canned soup, meat and potatoes, processed cheese, boiled vegetables, pop, paper napkins, and white toast. They say many of these food products are bad for you and make eating bland and unappealing. What? These are some of my favourite foods! Imagine french fries without ketchup or a grilled cheese sandwich without a nice hot cup of Campbells Tomato Soup? I can't believe this. What a pile of baloney......oops, maybe we'll get blamed for that sandwich meat too! Oh well, we can take the heat. Cheers and good eating!


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