Today is your day Boomer! is MY day! It is the first day of tennis season at my local racquet club as I get ready to hit the courts with my Boomer friends. There are strict COVID protocols in effect, but it feels so good to get outside and socialize and recreate again. It basically means winter is over and maybe, just maybe, we are seeing life getting back to normal again.....I hope! Most Boomers in B.C. will be getting their vaccines in April and May and that means, I hope, increased socialization. It is something we have all been missing. You do get a taste of it virtually, but it is not the same as meeting "in-person" over lunch at a restaurant, playing golf with your buddies, fishing in the same boat, or hosting a Saturday Night dinner with your favourite friends. These vaccines are the key to a brighter, more interactive future for all of us! Let's get out and play Boomers! Cheers.


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