Today is your day Boomer! And today is the first day of March....and a new month of optimism ahead. What is there to look forward to? Look at the picture and let's start with flowers. I was told last night that daffodils and tulips are beginning to push up through the ground in Victoria and some blossoms are starting! Also, this is the month of St. Patricks Day, Daylight Savings Time, Spring Break, Basketball's March Madness, and the Ides of March. Add on.....the startup of tennis and golf season and I am in rapture! This is also the month that some B.C. Boomers may start receiving their COVID vaccines as the 80-plus age category goes first....then, I hope, people in their seventies, that is, some of us. It is March, spring has almost sprung, and we Boomers are sooooooooooo happy! Cheers.


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