Today is your day Boomer! Day #2 of my blog on the benefits of having a truck. Check out the picture and think of your life as a Boomer. Many of us are still living in single family homes and are at the "recreation" stage of life. Therefore, a truck can do many things for us. Obviously....hauling is a key benefit: topsoil and mulch for our garden. Rocks and gravel for our driveway or cement work. Furniture for moving purposes; I always get requests from family and friends for that. Also, I slide my kayaks in and out easily for quick paddling trips to the lake or a small boat for fishing. And speaking of fishing, I sleep in the truck cab of my spacious Ford F-150 with a foamy and sleeping bag once in awhile. Add on, all the hauling I do of our 24 foot travel trailer for camping, plus my powerboat......Whoo. This truck is a godsend! You could even tow your trailer to Arizona for the winter if you wanted to. Now for the only negative I can think of......gas. Yes it burns more gas than a regular car, but we keep one of those in the garage for quick trips around town. The key here is "flexibility" and that's what I get every day with a beautiful, powerful, spacious truck. P.S. Don't forget about hauling around grandkids too! Cheers.


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