Today is your day Boomer! I am off this morning to play tennis with three Boomer buddies at my local racquet club. I have been a member there for many years and enjoy the sport and comradery of the outdoor activity. Yes, we are following COVID protocols and have had the local bylaw officer checking up on us....but, if you think about it, these local clubs are perfect for active Boomers! In a normal year, you get access to a beautiful facility, you can play informally with your friends or you can participate in organized league play or tournaments, you get the socialization which we all crave, you get practice machines, lessons if you desire, and the ability to also play squash, racquetball, and table tennis in the cold months. The cost for me is only $275 per year. By the way, I can invite guests to play as well....for a small fee. Great deal, keeping me active....and my dog loves it too! Check out the picture, as I bring home lots of used balls!!! Cheers and may the aces be with you!


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