Today is your day Boomer! Welcome to another COVID day of celebration.....this time, the famed St. Patricks Day! This Irish celebration has alot of meaning in a multicultural Canada, but for some of just means drinking green beer, and alot of it. Boomers, remember the good ol' days when we would head to a bar or pub with our buddies and drink our share? Not this year. COVID is still upon us and and the dangers of public gatherings will keep many of us away from local drinking establishments. But we can still do it.....we can still head to the liquor store, pick up our favourite beer, get some green food colouring from the grocery store, and set-up lawn chairs in the backyard with a nice fire. Up to 10 friends can sit around(physically distanced, of course!) and sip a few. These are B.C. health regulations. But there are two tips to pass along re: green beer. One: add the food colouring first to the mug, then the beer. Two: don't stir the beer as the fizz will disapate. Have a great, green day! Cheers!


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