Today is your day Boomer! And today is your day to head to the store, any store......and update your wardrobe! Take a look at this picture and please tell me you are not still wearing clothes that you bought in the 1970s. I mean, I like the yellow because it shows off the colours of my favourite hockey team the Boston Bruins, but.....this is too much. And when I say wardrobe I mean shoes as well. Try something contemporary and active looking....maybe, something sporty to match all your daily outdoor recreations. And one other piece of advice; I saw a Boomer the other day in a full length spandex, stretchy, please, don't do this! That's called "overkill" and I would not recommend. Also, check with your spouse on choice of clothes....that's always a good call. So Boomers, I challenge you to a makeover.....if you can afford it. Good luck and cheers!


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