Today is your day Boomer! It is Earth Day in the month of April, but I believe every day should be Earth Day. You can celebrate by doing something awesome for our planet like planting a tree, disposing of oil properly, digging natural compost into your garden, or not dumping sewage from your travel trailer into the roadside bush. But.....try to include a nature walk as part of your Earth focus and check out the Arrow-leaved Balsamwood in the BC Interior. Right now, it is everywhere, mostly on sunny mountainsides...see picture! It will liven your COVID spirits and make for great pictures on your favourite social media site! The drawbacks I can think of are the following: there are so many flowers, it is hard to figure out which picture to take; it is tick time for your dog, so check her carefully after the walk; it is also bear season as they arise from their winter sleep, so watch for momma bears who want to defend their cubs' safety! By the way, pick a sunny day and enjoy your nature-filled retirement Boomers. Cheers!


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