Today is your day Boomer! Look at this picture and tell me what you see. Do you see a field of beautiful yellow flowers or a yard of weeds? Well, the stressed-out former you of the working/raising kids world would likely kill yourself on weekends trying to get rid of those darn Dandylions. You might have wanted to "keep up with the Joneses" and have the perfect backyard. You might even have sprayed dreaded, poisonous chemicals to eliminate those dirty, nasty yellow things! that you have the Boomer retirement time to do the job, maybe your position has changed. Maybe, just maybe, just like are starting to appreciate nature more and want to preserve it even more. Is it possible we are turning into environmentalists instead of just capitalists? Might we, Boomers, want a more sustainable, cleaner, natural earth for our kids and grandchildren? I do......think about it before you spray this spring Boomers. Cheers and remember April is Earth Month!!


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