Today is your day Boomer! Wow, our generation is really taking a hit these days on social media! If you do a little searching, you can come up with tons of articles and commentaries on how we, the Baby Boomers, ruined the world. We are called rich, self-absorbed, greedy, racist and all sorts of other names from other generational groups. We are blamed for everything from global warming, overpopulation, pandemics, tree destruction to sexual liberty, war, famine, bad grammar, and high house prices. It is a little disturbing, to say the least, because no generation is perfect. But I think we did a few good things; how about rock and roll, how about rebuilding society after the devastating effects of a world war, how about the tech revolution, and how about big families? We even invented the frisbee and jello! So, Boomers, rejoice......stand up for yourselves...if you can get up from your wheelchair, and tell the world we done good. Cheers!


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