Today is your day Boomer! Henry Winkler barely qualifies to be a Boomer at age 75....but he certainly is doing Boomer-type activities, and based on the smile in this picture, is sure enjoying them! The Fonz has taken up flyfishing like so many of us and the season is underway! Spring has sprung, the ice is coming off mountain lakes, and the fish are hungry! Henry is proudly holding a beautiful rainbow trout, which is the fish of choice in my area....the BC Interior. And are they ever fun to catch; they fight like the devil and their flesh is firm and tasty if your choice is to keep them. My choice 99% of the time is "catch and release", which means they go back into the lake to be possibly caught again by another sports fishermen. And that's what most of us are...."sports fishers" which means it is a recreational activity and not really a meat-gathering focus. It is fun and relaxing and hopefully you can bring along a Boomer buddy or family member! I wonder if Henry says "heyyyyyyyyyy" everytime he catches a big one!? Cheers.


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