Today is your day Boomer! I just love those Boomers with a little extra money....that actually spend it! Sorry kids, your Boomer parents spent about 40 years working hard and raising children and now they are reaping the benefits! Yes, they will likely save some money for your inheritance...but many have also figured out that it is OK to spend some selfishly. How about a rockin' souped-up car like the one in this picture? How about a $5000 electric bike? How about a new $50,000 sailboat or a "B" class Mercedes campervan worth $150,000?! During COVID, we are seeing Boomers open up their wallets and spending, spending, spending. Ask any RV dealer. And don't you dare feel guilty Boomers! The last third of your life is wide open for recreation, fun, travel and experiencing dreams. I say GO FOR IT! Enjoy and cheers!


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