Today is your day Boomer! My blog has barely touched the surface of my main recreational And as you may know, author Mark Twain once stated that "golf is a good walk spoiled." Wrong, Mr. Twain! Check out this picture of me with a big smile on my face and an incredible view of mountains, a creek, and canyon beyond. My home golf course is absolutely stunning; it is quiet, picturesque, filled with natural wildlife (like bears, snakes, eagles, marmots, hawks, and coyotes) and is occupied by hundreds of friendly people.....many of whom are Boomers! I "walk" the course three times a week for exercise and some people take carts, usually for medical reasons. But the "spoiled" notion from Twain is just a matter of personal perspective. Yes, if you take the game too seriously and get upset with every missed shot, you will not enjoy the round. From my experience, very few people do this. My plan is to walk, enjoy the day, appreciate the scenery and the company of my playing buddies, and hopefully score well. If my score is high, I shrug and shake it off in a matter of seconds. Oh well, I get to play again in two days. Such is life Boomers. It is all about "attitude". Enjoy the walk and cheers!


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