Today is your day Boomer! Nice hair Boomer! This very-longish hair style, I am assuming, goes all the way back to this man's hippie days....maybe, from the 1960s or 70s, and I like it! And why should he change? Just for the sake of "change" or what some people feel might be self improvement or better hair hygiene? we still listen to the same music from this Baby Boom era when we were young? Do we still wear some of the same clothes, like tie-dye shirts? Do we still believe in some of the same philosophies that shaped our lives, like tree hugging and family farm gardens? Yes, so why change our hair? I have had the same haircut for a long time, as long as I can remember.....and the same moustache too. It is part of our Boomer personality and we should not be criticized for "sticking to our guns" and showcasing our true selves. So...rock on, Woodstock on, and long hair on Boomers! Cheers.


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