Today is your day Boomer! Some people think the first warm/hot weekend of the year means the start of barbeque season! You know....filling up the propane tank, cleaning the grill, washing the outside of the top, replacing the catch container underneath, and checking the freezer for your selection of meats. Right? No, not for me. I am a barbeque guy year-round! Even in the pounding snow, freezing rain, and howling winds.....I stand outside with my scraper, spatulla, and tongs in hand braving the inclement weather to satisfy my food cravings. The smell, the taste, and the look of barbequed food just gets me! Think....ribs!!!!! And so, as a bit of an expert, I pass along to you Boomers some barbeque recommendations: buy a good quality barbeque (like my Weber) and your food will cook easily and evenly, get a barbeque with a solid-heavy steel grill (not ceramic), cook veggies-not just meat-on your grill, clean your barbeque regularly, replace the cover when needed for better weather protection, consider a natural gas house connection rather than separate propane tanks, and use quality barbeque tools when cooking. You will love it. Cheers!


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