Today is your day Boomer! Sometimes I feel like the dog in this picture. People sitting in the same room as me ignore me while on their cellphones! Maybe it is a function of the times we live in, but.....once in awhile, I think it is downright rude. Whoever or whatever is on the phone is deemed to be more important than the real, live person sitting in front of you. Now I know there are some situations where the phone should rule the roost; for example, an emergency call or homework or an important meeting......but many times people are just scrolling through social media and that is considered more meaningful than talking to the person in front of you. It even happens in public; for example, at a restaurant I have seen a person on their phone for an extended time during a Valentines Day date with their supposedly-special person! Yuk. Cellphones are tools which help us in our daily lives, but our family and friends are what matter most.....I hope. Boomers, have a good face-to-face contact day! Cheers.


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