Today is your day Boomer! This warm spring weather has brought out a new THIRST in many means it is BEER TIME! And I notice my fellow golfing buddies are ordering cold brews on the 19th hole after 18 holes. In fact, many golfers (especially males) seem to bring beer with them on the course. I remember two younger men I played with a few years ago drank one beer each for every two holes and had to pee on a tree on every third hole! Needless to say their scores and swings began to deteriorate very quickly. Anyway, I found a new light jacket (for light beer?) for these brew boys (see picture!) because you never know when you are going to need an opener. As for me, I can't do it. I will definitely fall asleep after only one beer when I get home and waste away the rest of the day; my wife would not be impressed. Boomers, I guess this is a sign of "oldness"...a word I really don't want to use at age 62. Mugs up Boomers, and cheers!


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