Today is your day Boomer! Actually, this Thursday may be your special day because it is World Bicycle Day. And I know alot of Boomers love to cycle....especially on these new-fangled electric bikes. Apparently you can travel as fast as 28 mph on these bikes which is almost 50 kph! And you can go as far as 80 miles, or about 120 kilometres, on a single continuous charge! Why not? As long as you mix-in the "exercise" component of biking and don't treat it like a simple motorcycle. Electric biker Boomer friends tell me you still have to pedal, when the motor is on, so there is lots of huffing and puffing. Good. Prices, I hear, are anywhere from 600-15000$......but the bigger problem, I suspect, is actually getting a new electric bike! Many bike shops are in short supply and you may have to order and wait. No good for World Bike Day.....but maybe, just maybe, you can pull out that old, ratty mountain bike and give it a go this week. Enjoy, enthuse, and exercise Boomers! Cheers.


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