Today is your day Boomer! Check out this picture and think back to the good old days. You know, drive around to the different construction sites in town and ask for scraps of wood left over from the building process. Most contractors would say yes as to avoid the cleanup and the cost of taking waste to the landfill. Then, we would take those bits of 2x4 and 2x6 and burn them in weekend campfires! Free firewood that you could get easily and mix with regular bigger chunks of fir or pine....or even orchard wood. Well, those days are gone. One eight foot 2x4 in BC is worth 12$ by itself and buying a 2x12 is liking purchasing a diamond ring! This is crazy since we live in the lumber capital of the world and sawmills are very close by. Lumber prices during COVID have increased 250%!! So, what to do? Try smaller campfires with less wood, buy a propane fire setup, or just don't do fires. Or, how about a big candle instead? Yuk. Cheers.


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