Today is your day Boomer! I thought so......I just read an article that shows "pollen counts higher than normal" in Canada this spring. I can feel it. Look at the picture and just imagine those nasty, scratchy things in your nose, mouth, and throat! No wonder I suffer from a pollen allergy that makes me sneeze, makes my eyes water, and makes my throat sore. It looks like little particles of green stuff, and it lies all over my truck windshield and seemingly coats everything around my yard. On the golf course, I can see it sifting through trees on a windy day and on lakes it lies like a soft shell on water. Yuk. Boomers, medicine helps....but it makes me drowsy and that is not good because I want to get outside in this warmer weather. What's that you say? Tough it out. That's what I do every spring. Oh well, it beats working. Cheers!


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