Today is your day Boomer! Next time you bite into a strawberry from places like California, remember local! Not only are you supporting local farmers and your community, you are getting an incredible product! We did just that yesterday as a local strawberry farm opened its gate for U-Pickers and what a day it was. The berries were big, red, and firm and extremely sweet and tasty! We picked three boxes for only 2 dollars a pound, then enjoyed strawberries for dinner and my wife made jam in the evening! Next is strawberry/rhubarb pie, sliced berries on vanilla ice cream, and just good old-fashioned eating time. By the way, the experience of "picking" was very important and fun too....your connection to the land crossing one's mind. Then I looked around, and who were most of the other pickers? Boomers! Way to go. Cheers to harvest season!


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