Today is your day Boomer! Ah...the post-pandemic world, I love it! No more restrictions, no more masks, rampant socialization, big family parties, school and community sports return etc.etc.etc.! Uh, slow down world. I don't think so.....not quite yet. It is a "staged" approach to full freedom and we have to take small, cautionary steps. For example, mask wearing. A recent poll in BC shows about about half of us are still wearing masks and are uncomfortable taking them off especially inside public buildings like grocery stores. The other factor to consider is this new "variant" which is still with us and has the potential to be very spreadable and very dangerous. And what about other variants that may come along? So, slow down Boomers. Take some baby steps and let's transition back to normal life slowly.....following government and medical health guidelines. Cheers!


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