Today is your day Boomer! "A dog is a man's best friend" the old saying goes. And during this recent pandemic, more and more people acquired pets to keep them company and help them through the loneliness of being bottled up inside. Well, now we can go out, socialize, have some fun, and bring our dogs with us! I, sometimes, bring my golden retriever on my powerboat outings where she gets lots of swims. The guy in this picture seems to have boating with two dogs figured out as well! But through all of this, one thing remains true. Any dog is extremely loyal to its family and deserves lots of love, exercise, and respect. In fact, I just saw one study that stated many divorced Boomers would prefer to have a dog as a mate rather than getting married again! Wow, that is true love.....and shows the importance of companionship as Boomers age. Cheers!


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