Today is your day Boomer! I guess this whole climate change thing is partially our fault. Afterall Boomers, our generation encouraged tremendous growth of the oil, coal, and automotive industries since the end of World War II.....and now we have to live with the consequences. This picture shows what I am talking about. While the rest of Western Canada was suffering through a record-breaking heat wave in the past two weeks, one small town in the same region encountered hail....and, I mean, really big hail and lots of it! All of this is a sign of wierd, unpredictable weather which is a result of global warming. Even the heat dome that hit us was partially caused by "warming" of the Pacific Ocean and hundreds of people in BC have died from the effects of too much heat. Boomers, we need to take responsibility and do our part to try and reduce global carbon emissions.....individually, politically, and collectively. WE ALL WILL BENEFIT! Cheers.


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