Today is your day Boomer! I guess the writing is on the wall for me.....and maybe for many Boomers. Our days of meat eating seem to be numbered. Yes, the medical community is telling us to reduce or eliminate red meat from our diets; my kids have all gone meatless in their personal diets; my heart condition is always on my mind; and social media is helping to sway the issue as well. By the way, the high cost of meat at the grocery store is also a big factor. So.....gone are the days of a big barbequed, juicy steak dominating my plate with a cob of corn and salad. Also gone is reams of ribs dripping with sauce and a baked potato. And whatever taco thing you see in this picture is really gone! Boomers, let's stick to fish, which is good for you, and gradually reduce our meat consumption. We'll live longer and feel better! Cheers and go "plant".


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