Today is your day Boomer! Or is it? Are we, as a generation, spending too much time on our cellphones and tablets surfing the net? A new survey of 1000 Boomers found that we spend, on average, about 5 hours per day on line! 20% of that is on Facebook (which of course is probably where you are accessing this blog!), Instagram is in 2nd place, and email is 3rd at about 43 minutes a day. Wow. Let's do the math. Five hours a day is about 35 hours per week.....which, ladies and gentlemen shake your head, is about 76 DAYS per year spend on the internet! 76 days.....time well spent some of you will say. But, what about walking, biking, reading, playing with your grandkids, boating, hiking, watching sunsets and all those "other" things you can do live instead of staring at a screen? There must be a better balance there somewhere. Check your device. Discover your daily "net" number and maybe it will be a wakeup call Boomers. Cheers!


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