Today is your day Boomer! Pickable.....most everything is pickable in my backyard right now and it is awesome! From ripe, juicy cherries off my five trees, to two rows of fresh raspberries, to five outdoor plants of cherry tomatoes, green crunchy cale in the garden box, and rhubarb in a big planter: it is all ready for harvesting. With lots more to come: beans, peas, carrots, herbs, apples and pears to name a few. I pity the people stuck in condos with no green space and gardens. It is refreshing, energizing, and great for the environment as more and more Boomers understand the importance of home gardens and buying "local". If you can't grow it, buy it from local growers....I say, even it is more expensive. Go to local fruit stands, support local farmers markets, and don't forget bartering with your neighbours for produce items you may not grow. One bucket of cherries from me could equal six cobs of fresh corn from a friend who lives down the street. Go green Boomers and stay more active and healthy! Cheers.


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