Today is your day Boomer! For many Boomers, The Beatles became our favourite band in the 1960s. And if you're like me, you still listen to their songs on a regular basis. Last week, however, I discovered something very disturbing about one of their songs. Listen to the lyrics from "When I'm 64" from the Sgt. Peppers album. It is one of my favourite songs, but it really does do a disservice to us Boomers. Lyrics like "will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?" implies that most of us are so old and useless, we are almost dead! So, I did some research on the song and apparently Paul McCartney wrote it at age 14.......sometime in the early 1950s when, I guess, young people perceived 64 to be very old. What? Boomers, at age 64....many of us are just getting started.....many have just retired, are full of energy and good health, and are looking forward to the final third stage of our lives. We are not even official "seniors" yet! So, Paul, and George, and John, and are wrong. Your song needs a little updating and should be titled "When I'm 94". Go Boomers! Cheers.


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