Today is your day Boomer! I am really proud of a group of retirees, many of them Boomers, who are taking a big step in the community of Sechelt, BC. This group, which calls itself Coasters Helping Coasters, has 25 volunteers that are taking over jobs in restaurants that can't find hired help. There, apparently, is a big shortage of workers on the Sunshine Coast and these businesses are now able to stay open in a difficult time. Some of the retirees are just donating their time and others are telling the businesses to donate their earnings to charity like the local foodbank. What a great idea! I applaude these Boomers as they donate their precious retirement time to a very good cause and don't forget, they can act as mentors to any other people who eventually want to take over the jobs. Boomers, this is definitely the "Me To We" social concept and I know many of us embrace it! Cheers.


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