Today is your day Boomer! Is it too much to ask for one simple thing.....please, please, please learn to spell! People are screwing up constantly and we see it now all over the place, even in this simple picture example depicting "crab" apple jelly. Why is it more noticeable now? Well, we all have access to social media and many of us, like me in this blog, participate extensively. We like to comment on issues and add pictures, we like to tweet, and we love to buy and sell on the internet. But many of us, including Boomers, don't know how to spell very well or we we don't proofread. I know, I know.....this is the retired teacher in me blathering away, but it is bothersome and it takes away from your credibility! Just reflect back on all those early-morning tweets from former President Donald Trump. His serious messages about serious issues like war and COVID were often wrongly spelled, and honestly I think it made him look like a buffoon. Is "buffoon" spelled correctly? I had to check, so I did. We all should, more often. Cheers Boomers.


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