Today is your day Boomer! It is so nice to celebrate "family time" this summer as this COVID crisis winds down....we hope. Families are finally getting together for important events like weddings and funerals, but also gathering for the little things: Sunday dinner, a boat ride, a waterfall hike, wine tasting, and yes, even, ukelele jams! This is a picture of my oldest brother and I enjoying a uke duet at our summer family cabin and just having a great time! Picking and playing together on the uke for the first time in our lives; it was so much fun, we played numerous songs together and shocked other family a good or bad way, I'm not sure. So, two pieces of advice for you ukelele-playing Boomers: family up and partner up this summer. I learned alot from my bro and thoroughly enjoyed the interaction. You can tell from the picture. Cheers!


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