Today is your day Boomer! Okay Boomers, it is fine to admit that we are all getting just a little bit older. Afterall, our "Boomer" age range is is 55-75 which means some of us are officially "seniors" and are collecting Old Age Security. But does it mean we have to act old? I don't think so.....and I have three solutions to that medical "problem" that many of us older people have, ARTHRITIS. (1) Do lots of gradual stretching before embarking on strenuous activities like tennis, hiking and biking. (2) Take some painkillers when needed, but check with your doctor on ones that don't have side effects. (3) Use your hottub or a hot bath to soak those weary bones and muscles. I follow these three rules and I have bad arthritis in my left hip; it works for me, just saying....and it keeps me active 5 or 6 days a week! Cheers!


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