Today is your day Boomer! And maybe today is your day to watch the new Beatles movie "Yesterday". It is now on Netflix Canada and I recommend you crank up the sound to hear the full effects of many remade Beatle hits like "Hey Jude", "Back in the USSR", and "Here Comes The Sun"! The movie is about a young, struggling musician who wakes up one day to realize that the world does not know The Beatles and their songs never existed. The story is a musical journey through his rise to stardom; it includes a love story, many great songs performed, lots of humour, and a visit with one of the actual Beatles. Looking at this picture, you probably think it is Paul.....but it isn't! You'll have to watch to find out. But I did include the picture of Paul because he predicted the movie would didn't, and I guarantee you will love it. Most Boomers are Beatles fans and many would say the band is the greatest of all time. We grew up with them and it's been "A Long and Winding Road" to speak. Boomers, check out Himesh Patel and "Yesterday", but do it today! Cheers.


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