Today is your day Boomer! Boomers, we are just a few days away from choosing our next Prime Minister of Canada, and the party to lead us through climate change, increasing discrimination, more COVID, and a struggling economy over the next four years. Whew! Sounds like a lot doesn't it? That's why we have to take it very seriously and carefully consider our options. If we don't turn out to vote in record numbers, it will not truly represent the "Canadian way".....our way, our will, and what we really want for our future. Low voter turnout could result in fringe parties like the Communists or Makericks taking seats or even a guy like (tongue in cheek) "Rick" in the picture. Or.....dare I say it? A Donald Trump clone in Canada. I honestly don't care who you vote for, just vote, and vote with an informed mind and attitude. And remember, don't base your vote on just one issue or policy......look at a party's complete platform and how it affects all aspects of Canadian society. Voting is your democratic right in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; you don't have to exercise it, but you should and I mean it is a big SHOULD....especially in these trying times. Cheers.


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