Today is your day Boomer! I spent 30 years in the classroom teaching social studies, law, civics, and today, Boomers, on election day in Canada it is time for a little bit of a lesson on the importance of democracy. If you are even slightly considering NOT voting with excuses like " I'm too busy" or "I hate all lying politicians" or "I don't know who to vote for"...comsider this: (1) men in Canada got the right to vote in 1791; for women, it was 1917(about 130 years later!) (2) indigenous Canadians had to wait even longer....1961 (3) Asian Canadians had to prove themselves worthy in WWII and finally received the vote in 1948 (4) for young people, you had to bide your time until the 1970s to get the voting age lowered to 18 (5) immigrants, waiting to become Canadian, called "permanent residents" can't vote (6) high school students, taking classes in politics, can't vote in federal elections (7) and lastly, check out the picture; those are South African blacks lining up all day to vote for the first time in 1994! Do you think they take democracy for granted? Uh uh. Not a chance. Canada, we will be lucky to get 60% voter turnout today. Boomers, please don't be part of the 40% naysayers! Let's celebrate and appreciate democracy in our country; we get choice, we get freedom! 7am-7pm. VOTE PLEASE! Cheers.


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