Today is your day Boomer! I try to be as non-political as possible with this blog, but yesterday went too far! You so-called "Health Freedom" activists demonstrated by the hundreds in front of hospitals, like Kelowna. And I know some of you are Boomers.....but please give your head a big shake. It is fine to peacefully protest in this country; in fact, please do. Our system isn't perfect, but it is not OK to protest right in the faces of people who are trying to save our lives! These health care professionals are burned out, over-worked, and trying so hard to save as many COVID patients as possible.....and most of those are you! Over 90% of people in hospital right now are anti-vaxxers and yet you are in the face of people who are trying to protect and support you! Think about it.....take your protests to the Legislature in Victoria or to your local MLA and/or MP offices. And remember that Canada is a social democracy. Yes, individual freedoms are valuable but what is more important is what is called the "common good"....that is, what is best for society as a whole. That is why we all pay taxes for health and education even though we may not use those services very often. We must think "we"....not just "me" and by the way, recent polls show that over 3/4s of our population believes in vaccine cards. Protesters, get with the program...the health care vaccine program and let's have a good autumn. Cheers.


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