Today is your day Boomer! You may not be happy with the Canadian election result last night, but there are some things to reflect on and show some joy. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party won their third straight election, so we will get a measure of stability moving forward. For many, his management of the continuing pandemic gives us hope of making it through a fourth COVID wave. He did not get the majority that he wanted, so that means a consultative, copperative approach to passing laws in the future; many like that idea because it leads to compromise, not division. For many young people who voted Green or NDP, let's not forget Trudeau is still young at age 49, he is a former teacher and has his own, he should be well-equipped to tackle youth issues like climate change. For Boomers, Trudeau is considered a moderate so he should be able to give you some of what you want some of the time.....I guess that is good for the middle class which is most of us. It is obviously great for his family(see picture) which took alot of abuse during the recent campaign and I'm sure his Dad, Pierre, is very proud of him as Justin will continue to carry forth the Trudeau legacy. The naysayers claim the election was "a waste of time" and "a 600 million dollar cabinet shuffle". Boomers, I disagree. A democratic refresh, no matter who wins, is always a good thing! Cheers.


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