Today is your day Boomer! Boomers, it is time for our generation to face the facts. We, are in many respects, responsible for the climate change emergency facing our planet today. Since World War II, Boomers developed industry, burned fossil fuels, exploited nature, and drove more vehicles than any generation in far. And in the race for a continuing high standard of living, many of us ignored the environmental consequences, buried our collective heads in the sand! Well, this week we have another chance to "do" something about it. And I mean DO and that means ACTION at the annual COP26 Climate Change Summit in Scotland. Represenatives from 197 nations will be there to explore ways to reduce carbon emissions quickly, not slowly. And we need to take a leading role....we have the time, the money, and hopefully the will to do it. Let's be like the global youth movement, like youth leader Greta Thunberg who says "it has been 30 years of blah, blah, blah." They are front-and-centre at this conference with action protests(like the one in the picture), guest speaker participation, a planned strike, and a huge media campaign. Young people say to us "deny and fry" and they are right! So, Boomers, let's stand up with the leaders of the future and make a difference now. Be an activist, be a changer, be a leader and let's make a better world for our grandchildren. Cheers!


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