Today is your day Boomer! I have to have my say on the old growth forest logging debate in BC right now. As you may know, over 1000 passionate people have been arrested at the Fairy Creek blockade on Vancouver Island and the protests continue. It reminds me of the Carmanah Valley protests on the Island a few years ago and the result was a compromise. After so much anger and yelling, the provincial government decided to allow logging in some areas and create a park in others....including the spot where the tallest Sitka Spruce tree in the world is located. It was a good "sawoff", so to speak, and many people were relatively happy. The protests ended and you can visit the park and big trees to this very day. Let's do the same thing at Fairy Creek....develop a compromise, a good, fair balance between logging jobs and preservation! And looking at the picture Boomers, think of this: what kind of environmental future do you want for your grandkids? I love big trees and I want middle ground. Cheers to the future!


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