Today is your day Boomer! I must admit feeling some guilt today after my blog last week explaining that I recently experienced my first-ever meatless Thanksgiving. Last week I ate a very good vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner with my family, but I must say I cheated a little. I'll admit now to the world that my wife made me turkey dinner two weeks before Thanksgiving and I ate leftovers for two days after. Then, I happened to find a pub on the Thanksgiving Monday and they served me a full turkey dinner(like the one in the picture!) and then last night I followed up with turkey soup made from the bones of our recent turkey. Okay, okay.....I need more adjustment time. After 63 straight years of turkey, it is hard to go "cold turkey" from to speak. But I have promised my family that I will keep trying, and I have greatly reduced my red meat consumption. By the way, it doesn't help much when your family members read all these books about how animals-slated for slaughter-are treated so cruelly. I hate those books and Netflix documentaries! Most importantly for me, I love stuffing, gravy, roasted veggies, cranberry sauce, and the smell of turkey. I guess it is hard to change some Boomer's old habits. Cheers.


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