Today is your day Boomer! Nothing like a good ol' DIY with your neighbour! We built this new farm fence together and we did it in "Boomer style". Along with help from two other neighbours, my wife and my brother, we did it slowly over three weeks and saved a ton of money. There was no labour cost....just lots of good advice and sharing of work...and an even 50/50 cost split of the fencing materials: posts, wire, staples, rentals etc. There was no rush, we shared tools, and I even took a holiday to Vancouver Island halfway through the job! Check out the picture. The fence looks great and runs right down the boundary of our property line. It increases the value of both homes and provides proper security for pets and potential grandchildren in our backyards! I like it and I like the fact that we are surrounded by great neighbours who always help each other. It really makes our Boomer retirement house a "home". Do it yourself Boomers, if you can....with a neighbour and get a sense of accomplishment. Cheers.


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