Today is your day Boomer! Okay Canadian Boomers, looks like many of you are getting ready to head south for the winter. Even with COVID still around, you can fly or you can drive through the U.S. starting in early November. So, here are some snowbird popular destinations hot off the press. Check out the picture and realize that Florida, Texas, and Arizona seem to be the most-travelled-to places for wintering seniors. Reasons include affordability, low crime rates, recreation opportunities, high speed internet, and long beaches. By the way, it seems smaller communities are more popular than big cities. If you are looking to buy, Mexico is still #1 followed by America, and then Costa Rica at #3. Puerto Vallarta, Tulum, and Playa del Carmen are the most sought-after housing hotspots in Mexico, while Tamarindo is top choice in Costa Rica. Check out the full details on the Castanet website if you want. So good luck, have great adventures, don't get sick, acquire a nice tan, play lots of golf, and dip your toes constantly in the warm ocean. We will live our winter in cold Canada vicariously through you. Don't forget to, I mean blog. Cheers!


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